Posts Tagged ‘saving americas horses’

Since the Kansas City Film Jubilee, I have been supporting Katia Louise, President of  the Wild for Life Foundation in her crusade to save horses from cruel slaughter. Her Documentary: Saving America’s Horses, was one of the films I covered in the Buzzworthy blog as part of the Social Media Club of Kansas City’s efforts to promote the jubilee.

taxation, cruelty to animals, horses, Equines,Katia, and her passion for saving these great animals from senseless and illegal slaughter on US land is at a critical point as highlighted by the passage of The Moran Amendment! The Amendment imposes a ban on the spending of taxpayer dollars for USDA inspection of horses that was lifted in 2011, and will now be part of the House version of the Agriculture budget. The bill is set for a full House vote this Tuesday June 26th. The addition of the Moran Amendment to the farm bill is a major upset for the proponents of horse slaughter that were aggressively pushing to open new slaughterhouses in the U.S. this year. The protective language was lifted from an annual appropriations bill last year when it reached the Senate and a special conference committee of just four individuals, and Senators Blunt and Kohl and Congressman Kingston voted to drop the language. Had the entire Senate voted on the amendment last year, it would have no doubt passed. Notice Missouri Senator Blunt is included in Katia’s list of our elected official who, under the guise of job creation, are trying to skirt the will of the American people who have voted to stop this tragic slaughter. Katia goes on to say in an open email:

“As we continue our diligent pursuit of justice and to bring the truth to the mainstream, we will keep close watch on this bill and the related activities.” She adds, “Today’s important victory marks a turn in the tides but we must stay vigilant in our efforts to insure that America’s horses are adequately protected from insidious slaughter. Until a federal law is passed to ban the slaughter of America’s horses, they will continue to be shipped across federal borders for horsemeat which is sold as a delicacy overseas. We at Wild for Life Foundation believe that America’s horses deserve to be protected and the public deserves to know the truth.  There is still much work to do. We must continue to stand strong, stay united and keep the pressure on. If you haven’t yet done so, please take a moment to sign the Pledge to help Stop Equine Cruelty. Change happens when we stand together to fight for America’s equines.”

Your state representatives need to hear from YOU, their constituents, to help insure that they stand strong representing your voice, your position against horse slaughter. Maintaining the currently included defunding language prohibits inspections of horse slaughter and is vital to protecting our horses. See your Representative’s past votes on the issue by: Please call 1st thing Monday!!  You can call the main Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your state Representative’s office. You can also find the direct contact information for your state representative here>> By standing together, our vigilant efforts can insure that America’s horses are adequately protected from insidious slaughter.Thank you for your continued support for this important cause.

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Thanks to all your hard work and calls on this important issue!!


Katia Louise

President, Wild for Life Foundation

Saving America’s Horses

Wild for Life Foundation is a 501c3 all volunteer grassroots charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving equines.

Please take a few minutes to make the call on Monday! The Buzzworthy Blog thanks You!